Preliminary results and measurement details
Continuous measurements are taken at the SSO. Measurements consist of:
- Soil moisture (TDR, tensiometer)
- Temperature
- Redox potential
- O2 and CO2 concentrations

Figure 1: Installation of continuously measuring instruments.
These are supplimented by periodic measurements of:
- GPR and ERT measurements
- Penetration resistance
- Earthworm abundance and biomass
- Crops: biomass, roots
- Soil core sampling (10, 30 and 60 cm depth)
- Infiltration

Figure 2: Periodic measurements. Cone-penetrometer measurements are left. GPR measurements are on the right.
The following links show the current evolution of some of the measured soil physical parameters that have been witnessed thus far:
Soil Bulk Density
Surface Water Infiltration
Air Permeability
Gas Diffusivity